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Session 81

Public Session, Bydgoszcz, March 16, 2008
Participants: Lucyna Lobos, Iwona Stankiewicz and the audience

Question: Question from the audience asked by Iwona Stankiewicz
En-Ki: Answers from En – Ki given by Lucyna Lobos

I, En-Ki, this solemn day, in this city welcome everybody. Even I like giving speeches, I can’t do it today, because I value your time. So I’m En-Ki, listening.

Welcome Samuel, the question from Dominik. Is there any help for all those people who don’t believe in what is going to happen? What can be done for them to believe?

Welcome Dominik. The best faith test is to give some signs, but I will answer it in a different way. I will go back to the Bible and the times of the Arc building by Noah. You will find the answer for this question reading The First Book by Moses, the pyramids and the Arc building time. The Noah’s Arc. Look, how many people trusted Noah, believed in him. There was laughter, irony and the luck of faith. You are asking if many people and how to convince them. Everybody has the brain and free will, and what’s more…Dominik, to believe there is faith needed. Not only speaking – “the word faith”, “I believe”, but to believe. If you want to help the mission, if you want to help in saving the Earth and those who don’t believe – don’t explain it, but refer to the publication, to your internet, and tell them to open it on page with year 2012. If this information, which is given there – doesn’t wake them up, so they will not wake up. The ones who have faith, not in the words, but in their hearts – they will get by. I’m still listening.

Thank you, the next question is from Wojtek. What can be done to talk directly to you En-Ki.

The same like in the first case…Wojciech – faith…Every human being has the gift of telepathic communication. Because this, what Lucyna got is regular telepathy and everybody has that gift…Everybody…You have to want, only want, Wojtek. And when you want it really badly, and you trust, and believe in it – you will talk not only to me, but with every spiritual being you want to talk to. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Now, when the permission for excavations was given on March 6, 2008, first in Great Labyrinth, what will make the whole project longer, are we going to be on time with digging the Pharaoh.

But why do we make all of these attempts? What do you think? To destroy all humanity? The Earth? For the Earth and the most part of humanity to survive? I assure you that the works which will start in Hawara it is enough for the first success to show the Egyptian eyes – they will go to Giza and the investigations, excavations will go double-tracked. One group will be working in Hawara, and the other by excavations in Giza. This year – I promise. I’ m listening.

Thank you very much; the next question is from Malgorzata. When and where will we meet our second half – twin flame?

This is the truth, Malgorzato that every human being has their second half, but – twin? Half…second half. Generally it considers the partnership – a woman and a man. And there is not always that in this level, where you live now – you find your second half. It could be that arrangements in spiritual world were: “we meet, we will be together”, but fate will throw you on the different hemispheres of the Earth. But always, sooner or later the two halves will meet. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, the next question from Juliusz. Is the dream I had about something which is buried under the river in Olney, England – real? Should I go there to dig it out and will it help in Mission Pharaoh?

Dreams, visions are often given as signs…And before you go there for excavations – go there, go to check it in unconventional way, like Lucyna does it: a wand, a pendulum…And when you get a confirmation, and you will get it – then you will take steps in order to get the permission and you will start the excavations. Will it help anything? It will assure you of your capacity. And about the excavations in Giza or Hawara – I invite you to cooperation, to work which soon will start. And you will have your share, your particle of energy dedicating in that work your work. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, next question. What is the goal and the point of a life in the matter if at the same time there is a life in the spiritual world?

If I said there is no sense – I would question the God, His work. God created the Earth and brought human beings on it…in order to human beings living in matter. It is God’s work of art and don’t ask what is the sense of it. The idea is for each planet to be settled by intelligent beings. The Earth for terrestrials, peoples. It has been and it will be like this forever – in the matter…in the matter. I’m listening.

Thank you very much. The next question from Wiktor. How, except from the prayer, can I help those from my family who I love, but I am not on good term with?

The prayer should come from the heart. The truth prayer and this is a real contact. To improve the relations between you and your family – you are not a layman, so I can tell you – start “creating”… creating the happy family, loving family and truthfully believe in it. Because the faith without the actions is dead. A truthful faith can move mountains and if your faith and creating will be strong – you will succeed in reconciling with your family and making the happy family. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, next question. The boy from Russia, Borys says that we will have to deal with water twice: in 2009 and 2013, and that he used to live on Mars. Is that the truth?

Yes, it could be the truth, because the Mother Nature and the coming Planet – is making damages. He could have lived on Mars and he could be a very old soul, which has come to the Earth and adopt the human matter. For sure he has his own goal and mission being here on the Earth so his words are unquestionable. A lot of these beings are being born in China, Russia, Philippines, New Zealand, some in Poland. I’m listening.

Thank you, very much. The next question from Jerzy. What can I find out about the Shambhala Kingdom?

It was the civilization which used to live on the Earth long time ago – twelve thousand years ago, before the flood of Atlantis. Not everybody was located or migrated to the other continents of the Earth. There were those who chose planets, so they had left the body and next the planet was chosen where they live now. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Barbara. What is the job for those who won’t be in the first line of the realization of the Project?

There is no “first line”, no “last line”. There are no better, no worse. Everybody has the same right and the same mission. The mission – it is the Mission of Saving the Earth. Each shovel digging by each of you it is a part of energy given to Mother of Nature and it speeds up the Project of Saving the Earth. So, don’t say: “worse”, “better”. You all are the same children of the Mother Earth and God. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Janek. I’m missing publicity of the existence of the Planet X (Nibiru) by astronomers. Shouldn’t they be “moved”? It will reach lots of people.

Who said there isn’t? The scientists in your smart devices, which you call computers – they alarm, they show that planet. You know why it is still a secret? It is a fear because of the human panic, which can break out. And if you want to wait – soon the Planet will be seen with bare eyes, since 2009 it can be seen on the sky. Now, it can be seen by the stronger telescopes. And who is saying “it is now visible”. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Why hasn’t St. Bernadetta Soubirouies’ s body decomposed the same way as other “indestructible” bodies?

The signs…humanity is getting signs. Singular signs. Bernadetta was the chosen one, called for giving sings. If you opened some toms, you would see the corps unchanged. Only that the humanity is not able to read the old – given by God and also other beings – signs, which they get. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Konrad. In the future, I’d like to open the Conscious Development Center. What should I do, who should I work with to make that project….?

Future…., future…, future….- depends on you… For now, concentrate on saving the Earth, and after 2012 open the mind developing center and others. There is so little time for saving the Earth, so create “the army”… The Earth saving army. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Do the beings from Sirius know the crying?

Yes, they have matter, they have the same as you do – feelings and the heart. They know the pain, they know tears. Especially they know the tears – knowing that their planet is dying, they have the breeding stopped or they stopped it on purpose for this simple reason. They don’t want to endanger their, who will be born for the pain… the pain of suffering. They have different matter, because of it they cannot come out in the open and they are being rejected by people. And they have the same problems as you human beings do. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, the question from Marcin. I have the problems with my complexion, I’m asking for the advice how to help with it? Different specifics do not work.

You haven’t tried everything yet. You haven’t been drinking, as a cleansing organism – celandine (chelidonium). And don’t listen that it is a poison, because I’ll give you an example. The beautiful small birds, swallows when they are sick – they cure themselves with celandine (chelidonium). Are you weaker than the swallow? Probably not. And if they survive and cure themselves so and you will be cured. First of all, you have to clean your blood, and it will clean you. Three months – not only drink it, but use it to wash your face. And don’t use any fragrances, only the gray soap with sulfur and then you will see your treatment will go successfully. I’m listening.

Thank you very much, the question from Zbyszek from Torun. Zbyszek is asking if he can drink celandine and iodine with his illness?

You can, but in what doses do you take iodine? If it is in those doses you should take it – up to 10 drops per day, so it will be no harm for you to add celandine.

Thank you very much, the question form Zbyszek from New Zealand. What is my role in protecting people and the Earth? Do you have anything to tell me?

I have the address to give you….give me your Internet address and I want to talk to you in person using this way. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. How to recognize the comer from different planet who took human body to “go among people”?

It is, to tell the truth, unrecognizable. They take human body not to be recognized, because the humans aren’t hospitable and any “difference” at once is rejected, not tolerated, not accepted. That is why they are indistinguishable. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Bartek from Wroclaw. I’m 28 and I don’t have a girlfriend. Where do I have to look for my “half”, and how I will know if it is her?

Uff… And what is the man’s intuition for? If you are afraid of women – you will not find. More faith in yourself. You are form Wroclaw, so I can’t give you more comprehensive answer. If you have time – I invite you to a personal session, because I have something to tell you – about how to make this seduction machine work. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Adriana. What kind of activity and work should I concentrate on in the following years?

I could say – as you say – to watch the market, what is needed today. For today – on your market nothing is needed. Everything is going down, so concentrate on what your heart is telling you, because you are here not by accident, but you are brought here. Follow your intuition and most of all ask… ask for lightening your mind and the suggestions will be given to you. And then, it will be it what you look for.

Thank you, next question. Dear En-Ki, what to do to get to this level you have?

Well, you will have to be born few times, die and again to be born, and die again. You won’t reach this level, because I belong to the highest sphere, and what’s more – my spirit is very very old. And I’m not destined to life on the Earth, but I had to complete the mission, but you – to life on the Earth. And if I said you would reach this level, it would mean this one thing – to level with God’s energy. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Renata from New Jersey. I have a problem with a very dry skin, which is itchy. What should I do?

Look for the reason from the inside. Don’t use these fragrances, liniments made by nowadays cosmetology, because there are chemicals in them. To the bath add large amount of natural oils, and after some time, it will make your skin much oilier. There is not a bigger problem, only that you want to look beautiful, smelling nice, not paying attention to what the chemistry serves you. To wash your body – plain gray soap or the soap made on the base of goat’s fat.

Thank you, the question from Jarek from Poznan. At school, I have a student – a boy, who likes harming others, to torment others. He is arrogant to the teachers. Nothing works: neither asking, not threatening. I tried to approach him with love and with the army way, but – as he is saying – he doesn’t care. What could be done, what to do, how to treat this 15-year old young man?

This is a rebellion…and most of all don’t look for the reason in this young man, but look at the family, because with his behavior he screams. He screams asking for love, but the reason is at home. What he does it is only the effect. Take the interest in what the source and home he comes from, and what is going on between his parents, and then you will find the effect finding the reason. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Rafal from Gniezno. Who was Saint Adalbert and what character he was?

And it is your weakness. You’ve bred so many saints. Who is called “a saint”? I direct you to the Bible, New Testament – what Jesus said about the holiness. Who could be called saints? Only the God himself. Even us, we don’t consider ourselves saints, only as Gods sons. Who was Adalbert? Read exactly the history this saint. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. According to the ancient Sumerian transmissions, the race of beings that created human race in order to explore the Earth lives on the Nibiru Planet. Do the beings from Nibiru have they part in Project Cheops?

They are the same beings who live now in the Orion’s Belt. The Nibiru Planet is the dead planet. Nibiru Planet, today Planet X – it is exactly the same. On Nibiru, Planet X – beings without the matter, spiritual beings are staying temporarily. There is no one in the body. Resettlement was made many thousands years ago, when the Nibiru was broken down partially and destroyed from its orbit – and today is following in the Sun direction and it will be going close the Earth.

Thank you, next question. Nicolas Redfern in his publication “The secret FBI archive” describes different visit nowadays civilizations. Do the comers from Orion and Sirius use the same vehicles – seen mostly as a circle shape or saucer, because these civilizations achieved different technical level?

They use these vehicles or they leave the vehicles on the mother planet Mars and they come to the Earth taking the Earth matter. These are the shapes: cigars, round, saucers. There are no other shapes. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Bogna. Samuel, do you know the effective remedy for men’s boldness and if there is any medicine for the herpes virus – commonly known as a cold sore?

Let’s start with a cold sore. The reason lies in the blood, this way the organism answers to irregularities and this miracle herb, celandine (chelidonium) you should be drinking. If it comes to men’s boldness – and here as a man I used to be, I may say: bolding or bold man – is in some sense charming and it gives any man a lot of masculinity. It is a turn-on for women more than a man’s shaggy head. (Laughter). I can tell you that much. Don’t worry so much that you have little hair because it is interesting not luxurious shag. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. One of the persons present here said: “If only the parents listen to their own child voice, instead of forcing their rights with force and threat. They wolud save o lot of suffering and distress for old age.” Do you agree with me?

Three words could be said: bravo…, bravo…, bravo…Parents learn wisdom from the children and really you’ll gain a lot from it – not only for the old age. I’m listening.

The question from Ewelina. Will the prayer of these people who know how to pray with faith, humility and the clean heart help them and their families in those days when the unseen storms and whirlwinds touch these regions of Poland where they are uncommon? Does it matter what religion are we or how we pray and live every day?

It doesn’t matter what religion you are. There is the same God.
If is enough to surround your living place with faith and pray not only for yourself but also for your fellowmen, for the worst neighborhood – with faith and your own words, like you would talk to God. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Andrzej. Mental hospitals cure o lot of skinny oldies with indefatigable potency, who after fasting and dieting they get “psychosis”…I mean – they had a contact with the spiritual world…They often say about the final times and the contact with the ancestors, so the family get rid of them and keep them in the mental institution. En-Ki, what do you think about the treatment with the psychotropic drugs and how it will look in the future?

In the future there will be no such a treatment, because there will be no mental hospitals. The doctors give the diagnosis too hastily, considering those who have contacts….who say they have contacts – to be mental ill. Here, we should look closely not only at the patient but also the doctor too, because maybe who “hears the voice”, who “has the contact” – is not sick. And here – every child should be put into the mental institution, because all children see angels, hear angels – so? Are they mentally ill? This ability gradually disappears or the child is afraid to admit that he still sees angels, still hears them. We have wait, because for now it is deeply rooted and it can not be easily removed. After 2012 it will be removed gradually. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Marcin, IV grade high school. As we have read, we are under your constant observation….Are there more people who want the ending of this world, or those who want salvation?

Show me the man, who would want to die…Show me the man who is not afraid of dying…There is no man. Every human being want to live – humans, animals, everyone. They don’t want to help in the Mission of Saving the Earth out of simple convenience. Let somebody else do it for me…I’ll wait and when it is over, I have no problem on my head. But believe me – everybody is afraid of dying. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Barbara. Are we genetic manipulation beings from the higher civilizations? If yes – why?

No, Barbara – we are not. You are improved on God’s image and resemblance. It has been planned that human beings are to reach mental and physical perfection. You are not any experiment. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Stanislaw. Will we start from the excavations, as unreasonable people, or maybe we go into the available sources on this subject – who taught there, who these mechanisms of balance and stabilization had prepared thousands years ago. It is being talked about in many available science sources by masters.

That’s true, but we would have to get to those sources. And the excavations are not the ordinary excavations, but the ones savings the Earth. When they get to – as you say – “ordinary excavations” to the Labyrinth, many eyes will open with astonishment what information is given there. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. The Pyramids are many thousands years old. Many documents, explorations – like famous, studying life of Jesus – Doreal and others – confirms that Jesus Christ spent many years in the Great Pyramid and many times he returned there, what the theologists ignore even there are the documents about this period of Jesus’ life. Don’t you suggest that Project Cheops have interest in this knowledge?

Project Cheops or the Mission of Saving the Earth….Jesus had this great knowledge, this art of improving mind and body that he could leave the body, be in the different place, take the same body – materialize himself. He wasn’t staying many years in the Pyramid. He came there many times and penetrated the Pyramid and he didn’t write anywhere that the builder rested in the Pyramid. He wrote – indeed, he ordered to write, that the builder rested in the water surroundings because that is the truth. I’m listening.

The question from Jola. We know that we are under your observation. Can we have the telepathic contact with our close deceased?

It depends…If the deceased from the family was the subject of the law of reincarnation – so no, because there is such a law. This being, the family they can only “interfere” – ask to get information…and indirect contact, but personally he is not able. I’m listening.

The question from Edward. Everything suggests that cooperation on the line:
Clergy, government, financial consortia – leads to great disinformation and leads to human stupidity. Do I think right, that these are the persons who will suffer the most in the process of precession? If the Catholic Church lived on Jesus model – gave up the possessions for the truth and doesn’t censor Jesus’ words…Am I right?

You are completely right. This group will suffer the most during precession, because they will not accept the fact entering the forth dimension, they won’t accept the fact of resetting the Gregorian Calendar and entering the new 25-thousand year era. I’m listening.

The question from Weronika. This year the publishing house from Warsaw has published “The Fifth Gospel” saved in Buddhist Monastery in Tibet during changes in year 324 after Sobor in year 325. It is a beautiful Jesus history. Supplement shows exactly Jesus contacts with another civilization and his experience from the teaching from Egypt, in the Great Pyramid, in Tibet, after it he did so many miracles. Are Jesus’ disciples, followers of all beings love going to meet in the Great Pyramid?

It can be said, that soon – disciples, disciples will sit together as spiritual beings. They will sit on the deliberations in the Great Pyramid, in the King’s Chamber, and it will be soon. I’m listening.

The question from Janusz. In the world history there were a lot of revelations – and not to the Church officials, but they happened to plain, humble, ascetic people, and if monks – who lived in poverty and pray in humility and didn’t use life like officials…Why has it been kept back and these people isolated form the world?

Simple, regular people have something that officials don’t have it, the Church officials. They don’t have humility. “Average” people have humility, faith, trust. And that’s why they have contacts. The officials won’t have these contacts. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Kazimierz. As you once said En-Ki, your medium tells what he is able to understand and sometimes you can’t give the answer by medium who doesn’t know the problem. And that is right – Christ used to say that even prophets sinned with they speech…Only the Church officials consider themselves as unmistakable and the only religion. So how do you explain science proved cases of people living on prana thousands years – there are a lot of science sources? If is enough to reach outside the media and the propaganda of making people stupid and misinformed.

Kazimierz….Kazimierz…Those living on prana are only a few. You can count them on hand fingers. And there are also beings who have or are chosen…to show them to all. You can’t persuade human beings to living on prana, because you don’t know, who has been chosen to live on light. You can only give the information. You can only tell and every human being will feel inside themselves – if this is the time. God Father in general, with our cooperation, help created human beings to live on the Earth – to eat, sleep, love each other, breed and live on the Earth food. Only few have been given the opportunity of living on the light. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Wojtek. What is the role of all countries governments in the year 2012?

To keep the greatest silence – out of the simple reason. First – they are not able to save everybody. Second – they don’t want to save everybody. Third – the world’s governments have protection only for a few. They don’t want to create panic when they announce what danger is approaching the Earth. That’s why they are silent. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Is the little girl, who comes to me at night and the voices, which I hear – real, or they are the product of my imagination? If they exist – what they want to tell me?

Open your mind…It is not a fiction, it is not the product of your imagination, it is a fact, but that long as you resist, you won’t hear it what they have to tell you. So, more trust, faith and opening for these beings. This spiritual being took this body to not to be afraid of it. I’m listening.

The question from Maja. I believe, we should rescue the Earth, animals, all nature but not the people, because we, people are the course of this planet. For ages we have lead ourselves and our planet to extinction. I think, that we people don’t deserve to live on the Earth, because we don’t die we’ll lose our earth body cover. We are needed by you, spiritual beings to save the Earth and we owe that to this planet. En-Ki, do you think that we deserve someone would save us, people, because I believe we have earned death, and the Earth deserves to be inhabited by good-natured beings.

Enough…And this question – filled with pain, sorrow, I could not answer, but I will. The planet Earth, people planet – it has been like this and it will be – we, spiritual beings and the beings from Orion are saving the Earth as well as we are saving the people, for them to live on it. If it was the other way, you wouldn’t seek the rescue for the Earth. If everybody should die, they will pass to the spiritual world. Because it would be no reason to live on the Earth. Think about it – you who have so much pain and look at your life in a different way. Love yourself and then you’ll understand why God wants to save the Earth. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Kasia. What is the purpose of astral travels?

Trips…Every spiritual being coated with matter likes traveling. Don’t you, in the matter, like traveling? And also the being likes traveling. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Michal. Who decided on the baptism in the catholic faith?

The Church…The baptism should be perform when the being is conscious, adult, The child doesn’t have a choice, the choice is enforced from the top. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Ania. Is the story of my advisor real?

And here I tell you…answer the other way. And where is your faith? What do you feel when you hear “advisement”? If the inner calmness, joy – it is the real advisement. If terror and fear – it advisement not from the good spiritual being. Observe your own body. I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Lidia. What do you thing of ARIMA technique?

I know what you mean asking this question. ARIMA tries to tell human beings how to get in touch, both with guardian beings and with the Guardian Angel. But, as with everything – here we also need faith.
I’m listening.

Thank you, the question from Henryk. Samuel, won’t the activation of the protection bring the God’s wrath, who knows exactly why every 25 thousand years Nibiru – planet “X” – should erase humans from the Earth to ensure return of the energy to the source and the suffering energy is at the same time the food for the spiritual beings?

Why do you have so much anger? God is love and enormous patience. So many times he will tell to come back, so many times he will tell to fix…and this time. And the cycle of cosmic round of the planet is not 25 thousand but 12 thousand years. These 25 thousand years it is a cosmic clock, which brings higher and higher into the human beings. In that case, God should destroy all beings, not only on the Earth but also the other civilizations as well. And how many civilizations through work, mistakes, science – got to perfection? And the same God wants to do with you, human beings. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Basia. What is my goal, my purpose here on the Earth?

Improve yourself Barbara…improve… and most of all to see your mistakes. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. How does the life and social structure look on Aszun?

It can’t be described…it is what every human being dream about, what he would have to have, be happy. And it is this way on Aszun. I’m listening.

The question from Wladyslaw. I understand En-Ki, that saying that feeding with prana emaciates, you mean those who had been doing it consciously so they lost their health, even life. But what you say about the Tibetan Masters, who lived up to thousand years on prana, there were scientists expeditions from USA in 1894. It is the knowledge available for those whose horizons of mind exceed media information and generally available light information.

Human being…Have you been among the Tibetan lams? What perfection have they gained? If not – go there and live there at least a year and then we’ll talk. I’m listening.

The question from Marcin. What should I do with my life?

Human being full of pain….Live….live and one more time – live. Once Jesus said and the disciples gave a nod “I envy those who will be living in the interesting times”. So you have been living in the interesting, last times. Observe the time…flying to year 2012 and see the joy at this time. Life is in front of you, not pain. I’m listening.

The question from Andrzej. Dear En-Ki, seeing as, inhabitants of the Earth by some civilizations as “barbarians” – is not to simplified and unfair look at the earthly reality, in reference to many people living in the agreement with nature’s law, practicing the law of love to everything what surrounds us, in the context many unlawful things in the battle over the power and often unlawful Ananuki behavior, who came 445 thousand years ago to the Earth and later during their stay they brought it even to the atomic war?

You are one of them, so you have Anunaki DNA from Orion. Human beings are not barbarians; they only approach the excellence which should be in every human being. So, don’t judge…don’t judge anybody. Let every human being look at themselves, their life and their behavior and then the world can be changed, the Earth, people – living on this planet. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. What does it say to you Samuel the expression “The Ones”, both on the science and religion platforms and the other thinking structures?

You won’t get the answer. I ask you from the contact information and private session.

The question of Lidia. Is my present reincarnation the last or no? How many more there will be?

It depends on you and your decision. If you want to end on this being, so will end it. if you have the will if still being – you will be. There is no pressure. You will decide. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. Probably the cannabis it is a plat which came to the Earth thanks to the comers from Cosmos…Is it true? If yes, what beings are responsible for bringing it to the Earth and if it is destructive to smoke it, or otherwise?

If I had to count – how many plant were brought to the Earth, I don’t know maybe the morning would came…Almost all plants come from Cosmos or they were created in the laboratories here on the Earth. So, the truth is that the Earth had been formulated, inhabited, planted with what had been brought from Cosmos. I’m listening.

In “Penetracja” by Ingo Swan, the author is describing the paranormal and the actions of top secret group of American intelligence using the telepathic method in the experiencing the cosmic sphere. Isn’t it the right signal and time for many people on the Earth to start developing “sleeping” abilities which will be needed after year 2012?

It will happen that telepathy will be the general language given to everybody, but after 2012. It will be the global language – telepathy. I’m listening.

The question from Irena. I have that feeling that I used to live in the ancient Egypt – is it true? What is my mission on the Earth now?

Here we should snoop around, penetrate your life. So, on this extensive question – and it is …. I’d like to meet you at the private session. I’m listening.

Thank you, nest question. Is the Moon the artificial structure or the created for any use?

What artificial? Where did you read it? It is a piece of the Earth, after tearing from planet Earth. It stays with the close connection with the Earth. It is not artificial; it is the most real creation – your Earthly Moon. I’m listening.

The question from Karolina. Many people are under great impression of “The Fifth Gospel” published this year. It is not only logical and understandable, but uniquely beautiful and ethical. It doesn’t sound that muddy as the four known gospels do. Which were changed after Sobor in Nice in year 325 when the Church went to settlement…to keep the possessions and influence.

It is enough…Look closely. Who is against Fifth Gospel except the people who read it…and then you will get the answer. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question. En-Ki what energetic structures do you come from? What dimension is it?

Seven…you can say that. There is the seventh dimension. You often say when you are happy: “I feel like I am in seven heavens”. So, it is as a structure, or heavens. I come from that level. I’m listening.

Thank you, next question from Jarek. What energy is Andrzej Zielinski?

How many times I have to teach you, and you still make the same mistakes – like little children. When that kind of question rises at a big meeting, giving only cold facts, name – and give me the answer En-Ki…I won’t answer you because I don’t receive the energy. I’m listening.

Thank you, I have the last question: and what’s now?

And – now it all depends on you. We, as spiritual beings, we as beings, because I used to belong to them, we do everything we are able to do to help you. And now, I ask you. And now – what you are going to do with yourself, human beings? With your families? With Earth? And…what next? Smart, very short question. And what next. I’m listening.

Thank you, I got one more question from Shamsan. Dear En-Ki, do you agree with me that the facts were, as it is said in the Fifth Gospel and the Christ was asking the whole life not to kill animals, he didn’t multiply fish – as say false Gospels, but many? He loved animals, he was telling people to care about them, about our smaller brothers, not to kill for pleasure or food, but to feed on plants…showing love all the creation, where the great creator shows.

Yes, Jesus loved everything what lives on the Earth. He said that those who can should stay away from the meat. But, I direct you to Moses Law, to the Old Testament, where it is said to stay away from the unclean meat…unclean…And those who have to, where the body needs this “energy” – can eat. But, to take animal’s life – in the humanitarian way, not to torment taking it’s life. So Jesus doesn’t order to get rid of meat food, both birds and fish. He says – those people, what they can do…without any problem they can eat vegetables, plants, fruit. It is not pressure. Jesus giving the example of the normal life on the Earth ate also fish, what is described both in the New Testament and in the Fifth Gospel…I’m listening.

Iwona “Shamsan”
(Interrupts session and turns on the fragment of the private session).

Iwona… you will get the microphone and then you talk. It is not kind to interrupt.

(tries to say something – it is unclear)

Iwona… Iwona… Iwona… I say one more time… Your sessions, your channeling could be envied. They are beautiful, pure and I’ve asked to for cooperation and I ask you restrain yourself, Iwona… Iwona… Iwona. I’m listening.

Iwona Stankiewicz:
Thank you Samuel, no more question. I’d like to ask you if you have anything to say to everybody gathered here.

I can…can tell you. I’m glad to be here. I’m glad I can take part and I repeat one more time: “what next?”. What are you going to do after our meeting? After this dose of information and energy…You have got a lot and I give you time for thinking it over – and what next? Thank you for listening patiently to my words. Thank you.

Iwona Stankiewicz:
Thank you very much.

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